Thursday, January 25, 2007

How on Earth Does Anything Ever Get Done?

Fer cryin' out loud, I hate days like this.
Started out by finishing up the last couple parts on the job I was running yesterday.
Then I had to build a pallet and load it up with parts going out to anodize. Christ, that took the better part of the morning.
Oh hey, lookie here, new raw material just got delivered. Great, need to check each piece against the PO.
Now on the phone trying to order some much needed supplies. Why do they always say they'll call you back with a quote? And, if they do actually call back, they try and get you to buy some product/tool/service other than what you need in the first place?
Manage to squeeze in another job right about here, but it's now after lunch.
Company owner comes up and needs a hot job machined. Righty-O. I'm on it. Wait a feckin' minute, the lathe is down. Great, now I get to spend an hour laying on the floor digging around in the electrical guts of the machine trying to fix it.
Lathe works now. Good. Bust ass and get the parts the owner wants machined. Off to his office to deliver them. Oh really, he's left for the day?
I hate days like this.

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