Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Another Long Day, and It Ain't Done Yet

Just finishing up another day. Actually, my workday was done about an hour ago. But I needed to run out a G-job (that's what is known as government work, a job for yourself, done after hours) for a co-worker. He doesn't know how to run the Blanchard grinder.
All in all, I think I've had a rather productive day. Not too many jobs completed, but they were of the rather large variety, so quite a bit of muscling things around. Did almost get my hand crushed when the 250 lb. steel plate another worker and I were unloading off of one of the big mills slipped out of his grip. Hurt like a sombitch, but a quick finger check revealed that I still had all ten, and nothing was bleeding.
Well, gotta run off to my buddy's place to help him fix a flat tire. I tell ya, there just ain't no rest for the wicked.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So, This is the life of a factory worker. Thanks for sharing.