Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Another Long Day, and It Ain't Done Yet

Just finishing up another day. Actually, my workday was done about an hour ago. But I needed to run out a G-job (that's what is known as government work, a job for yourself, done after hours) for a co-worker. He doesn't know how to run the Blanchard grinder.
All in all, I think I've had a rather productive day. Not too many jobs completed, but they were of the rather large variety, so quite a bit of muscling things around. Did almost get my hand crushed when the 250 lb. steel plate another worker and I were unloading off of one of the big mills slipped out of his grip. Hurt like a sombitch, but a quick finger check revealed that I still had all ten, and nothing was bleeding.
Well, gotta run off to my buddy's place to help him fix a flat tire. I tell ya, there just ain't no rest for the wicked.

Sunday, January 28, 2007

Just Thought It was Cool

Stopped by the Virgin Megastore the other day, and to my surprise (now this may be old news) Talking Heads has re-released "Stop Making Sense". I happily noted that it now has all the songs from the Jonathan Demme film, plus some previously unreleased live tracks.
Needless to say I bought it immediatly. Once in the truck on my way home I tossed it in and got the 10's warmed up for a mental trip back to high school. I hadn't listened to this album in so long, I'd forgotten how good the Heads sound live. Plus I got a little nostalgic about muscle cars, vast quantities of beer and JD, and raging parties out in the middle of corn fields. Oh yeah, we really lived it up in the Midwest back then.

Thursday, January 25, 2007

How on Earth Does Anything Ever Get Done?

Fer cryin' out loud, I hate days like this.
Started out by finishing up the last couple parts on the job I was running yesterday.
Then I had to build a pallet and load it up with parts going out to anodize. Christ, that took the better part of the morning.
Oh hey, lookie here, new raw material just got delivered. Great, need to check each piece against the PO.
Now on the phone trying to order some much needed supplies. Why do they always say they'll call you back with a quote? And, if they do actually call back, they try and get you to buy some product/tool/service other than what you need in the first place?
Manage to squeeze in another job right about here, but it's now after lunch.
Company owner comes up and needs a hot job machined. Righty-O. I'm on it. Wait a feckin' minute, the lathe is down. Great, now I get to spend an hour laying on the floor digging around in the electrical guts of the machine trying to fix it.
Lathe works now. Good. Bust ass and get the parts the owner wants machined. Off to his office to deliver them. Oh really, he's left for the day?
I hate days like this.

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Almost Late for Work.

Lets see, somehow my alarm didn't go off this morning. Looked at the clock and grimly realized it was 6:20 AM. Crap, I gotta be at work at seven. Fine, out of bed, yank on the jeans, brush the teeth. Fly down the stairs and stuff my feet into my boots. Even tied them. Look at the clock again, 6:27. Cool, still have time.
Out the door into the truck, glad I've got a four wheeled vehicle. Strapping up to ride the motorcycle does take a certain amount of time. Not that I really have a choice right now, the mighty Suzook is missing it's engine due to the fact I'm having it stuffed with bigger pistons. Jumping up to 1230cc's, to be exact. Hotter cams, bigger carbs, and whatnot. More on that at a later date. But suffice it to say, it ought to ripple pavement when it's done, not to mention I imagine I'll have trouble keeping the front end on the ground. But I digress.
Back to the problem at hand. Running late. I hate that. Hit the gas station. Gotta have some coffee. On the road again. Should I chance speeding and a ticket? Hmmm, nah, pretty sure I'll make it. Well, as long as I don't get stopped by a wreck or a train. Here in CA, you never know. Anyway, to make a short story long, got clocked in at precisely 7:oo AM. Had the mill running at 7:01 AM.
Some days you just get lucky.